October 10: National Day of Prayer for Cuba

Thank you for your faithfulness in praying for one million people to accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord in Cuba by the year 2010. Although Hurricanes Gustav and Ike have caused much damage in the country and many are without sufficient food supplies and shelter, the Christians continue to press forward with the goal of winning their country for Christ. October 10 was set as the National Day of Prayer for the Spiritual Salvation of Cuba in 2006. There will be a prayer vigil beginning the night of October 9th at 6 p.m. until 6 p.m. on October 10th. This will be a time of remembering the passage in 2 Chronicles 7:14; a call for the people of God to humble themselves, pray and seek God's face. Each Christian in Cuba is asked to pray "on the 10th day of the 10th month for 10 people to be saved each year until 2010."

- Pray that God will give them strength as they pray through the hours of the prayer vigil.
- Pray for a special worship service on Sunday morning, October 12, that the pastors will deliver a message of salvation and hope for the people in their community who have such desperate needs.
- Pray that God will supply their needs of food, shelter, and clean water.

Day Fifty

Sunday, May 11
Thank you for praying for Cuba during these 50 days. But this is just the beginning of Cuban Baptists' plan to reach their country for Christ. Prayer is essential to that plan, and Cuban Baptists value your continued prayers. Pray the dreams of Cuban pastors and the visions of thousands of lay ministers will become a reality. Pray Cuba will indeed be won to Christ.

May these 50 Days of Prayer be just the beginning of your prayer journey!

Day Forty-nine

Saturday, May 10
Rapid church growth requires strong leadership development. As Cuban Baptists seek to plant a church within walking distance of every person in Cuba, pray the Lord of the harvest will send more laborers into the harvest. Ask God specifically to call out more workers to reach children and youth, the future leaders of Cuban churches.

Day Forty-eight

Friday, May 9
Pray for Cuban Baptist children's leader Xiomar Acosta Blanco (see week 7 story) and others who are training Cuban children for future church leadership roles. Several children's house churches meet in Xiomar's town tonight. Pray that the children in these and other house churches will accept Christ early and become strong church leaders.

Day Forty-seven

Thursday, May 8
Churches need many types of leaders such as pastoral, worship, children's, prayer and outreach. Pray God will call out leaders to fill these roles in churches across Cuba. Pray He will provide appropriate training for each need.

Day Forty-six

Wednesday, May 7
Praise God for the more than 30 Lay Missionary Training Centers scattered across Cuba. These centers offer practical training to about 2,000 Cuban Baptist lay leaders. Pray for these leaders and their ministries.

Day Forty-five

Tuesday, May 6
Cuban Baptists have more than 5,000 churches, missions and outreach centers in Cuba but only 296 ordained pastors. Thousands of faithful lay ministers provide vital leadership to many of these congregations. Pray God will continue to call out lay leaders. Pray that ordained church leaders will empower them to carry out their ministries.