Day Nine

Monday, March 31
In the island nation of Cuba, one out of every five Cubans is a professional musician. Ask the Holy Spirit to create in these musicians a deep longing for a personal relationship with their Creator. Pray that many professional musicians will accept Christ as their Savior and begin making music for His glory, not for personal fame.

Week Two

Week 2 - The presence of God
"Happy are those who hear the joyful call to worship, for they will walk in the light of your presence, Lord" (Psalm 89:15, NLT).
When Coco Freeman began his career as a professional musician in Cuba in 1990, his main objectives were wealth and fame. But 11 years later, Coco reconsidered what life is all about.
"My goal was to make a career as an artist, but it did not happen that way," he says. "Now I realize fame is a very weak foundation."
After years of performing with nationally and internationally-acclaimed bands, Coco saw his personal life hit rock-bottom in 2001. He found himself in the midst of a divorce while also suffering from hepatitis and dengue fever.
"It was a difficult moment because I was not only suffering from my body, but also from my spirit," Coco says.
While lying in bed stricken with fever, Coco remembered the God he had heard about when he attended a Cuban Baptist church as a teenager. Overwhelmed by fear and loneliness, Coco cried out to the Lord for salvation.
"At that moment, something happened," Coco says. "I felt a presence that took my fear away."
The same Presence that removed Coco's fear and saved his soul also led him to use his musical talent to share his faith with fellow Cubans. Today, Coco composes and performs Christian music to communicate the Gospel.
"With these songs, I minister to people," Coco says. "When people hear the songs, they are touched and brokenhearted. They cry, and they experience God's presence."

Sunday, March 30 - Day 8
Thank God for the salvation of musician Coco Freeman. Pray that many fellow Cubans will accept Christ as their Savior through his public testimony of song. Pray that his focus will remain on the One who gave him the gift of music.

Day Seven

Saturday, March 29 - Day 7 
Cuban Baptists have many plans for reaching Cuba for Christ. They're all based on prayer. "Prayer is fundamental. It's the beginning, the middle and the end," says Cuban Baptist leader Daniel González Garcia. Pray that Cuban Baptists will bathe all their goals in prayer. Ask God to help them to reach a million Cubans in the next three years.

Day Six

Friday, March 28 - Day 6 
A pastor in Cuba believes that "discipleship chains" are the key to reaching his city. In his church, each new believer wins and disciples another as soon as possible. In just two years, some of this church's "discipleship chains" have already grown four-fold. Pray all churches in Cuba will follow this biblical model. 

Day Five

Thursday, March 27 - Day 5 
Cuban Baptists hope to start a church within walking distance of every person in Cuba in the next three years. Pray these believers will realize that goal by boldly sharing the Gospel with their family, friends and neighbors.

Day Four

Wednesday, March 26 - Day 4 
Christians in Cuba are seeing one of the most rapid rates of church growth in the world. But they don't want to stop with that. They're praying for a deeper spiritual awakening in Cuba and an opportunity for everyone in Cuba to respond to the Gospel. Join them in that prayer.

Day Three

Tuesday, March 25 - Day 3
When you ask for prayer, do you await answers with expectation? Christians in Cuba expect to hear from God and to see Him move. They are fasting and praying, burdened for the lost in their land. Pray Cuban Christians will not be distracted by concerns of this world but will keep their hearts attuned to the Lord.

Passionate prayer

Monday, March 24 - Day 2
Christians in Cuba are known for their heartfelt worship, deep knowledge of Scripture and zeal for evangelism. Most of all, they're known as "a people on their knees." They're passionate about prayer. During these next 50 days, pray with passion for an even greater outpouring of God's Spirit across Cuba.

Week 1 - A call to pray

A call to pray

"Do not worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done" (Philippians 4:6, NLT).

For Christians in Cuba, Paul's words to the Philippians are more than a call to faithful prayer. They're a way of life. During the last 15 years in Cuba, God has answered the fervent prayers of Cuban Christians. He has poured out His Spirit across their island nation until there are no longer enough churches to hold all the believers.

In fact, Cuba is seeing one of the most rapid rates of church growth in the world, third behind China and India.

In the midst of that growth, Cuban Baptists have sensed an urgency to pray more fervently than ever before. They're asking God to help them lead a million fellow Cubans to Christ in the next three years, by the end of 2010.

Looking toward that goal, Cuban Baptist leader Daniel González Garcia believes a spiritual awakening is essential in Cuba, beginning with Christians themselves. The Christian church needs to "contextualize itself" and "permeate communities like salt," says Daniel.

"We want to spread that salt, to give flavor and light to our nation. So these next three years will require mad, feverish, crazy, relentless prayer. We're going to need intercession of all kinds and colors, constant and overwhelming. We need to pray until we can pray no more."

Sunday, March 23 - Day 1

Cuban Baptists have invited us to join them in 50 Days of Prayer for Cuba. It's a privilege and a responsibility to intercede with them. Pray that you, your church and believers around the world will be faithful to pray for Cuba. Pray God will show you more of Himself in that process. Pray that same prayer for Cuban Baptists, too.

A Word of Welcome

A seven-week prayer guide
Dear Prayer Partners,
Thank you for joining us during 50 Days of Prayer for Cuba. We feel very moved to know there are many brothers and sisters in Christ around the world united with us in prayer. It encourages us to be steadfast in our resolve to pray. It is satisfying to see the Holy Spirit confirming in the lives of others that this is God's desire for Cuba.
Here in Cuba the Holy Spirit simultaneously led leaders in both of our Baptist conventions to organize this special period of prayer for our country. We feel an urgency to pray that a million Cubans will come to personal faith in Christ over the next three years. We are also praying earnestly they will congregate in 100,000 new churches that will be started – a church within walking distance of every one of Cuba's 11 million residents.
Baptist churches in Cuba are seeking God's direction to face this giant. Without God we can do nothing. So we want to get in line with God to accomplish this tremendous goal. The 50 Days of Prayer will be the spiritual preparation for our task. We chose "50 Days" because this was the amount of time between Jesus' resurrection and the coming of His Spirit. The disciples were involved in intense prayer during those seven weeks as they awaited the coming of the Holy Spirit. During the 50 Days of Prayer for Cuba, we plan to disconnect from all our normal activities, seeking the Lord the way the believers did in the upper room-in unity and in prayer.
We need to wait on the Lord's empowering to reach and disciple a million Cubans for Christ.
Thank you for joining us as we seek the Lord together during these 50 Days of Prayer.
Your brother in Christ,
José Enrique Pérez
Cuban Baptist prayer and missions leader
"Prayer is fundamental. It's the beginning, the middle and the end."  - Cuban Baptist leader